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Spring Street
KT17 1UF
Visit Bourne Hall Museum’s exhibition on life in the area during prehistory. Items on display from the Stone Age to the Iron Age telling how folk came to its spring to hunt and drink and how during the Bronze Age the spring became a place where the gods lived, and gifts were thrown in as offerings. On display will be the bones of an aurochs, a now extinct ancestor of modern cattle. This one died some 3500 years ago and was buried on Epsom Downs. Aurochs survived well into modern times, the last known individual dying in 1627. The size of the aurochs bulls varied between 155 cm and 180 cm, depending on the local circumstances. The size of cows was between 135 cm and 155 cm. Bulls were significantly larger than cows. The body shape of an aurochs was different from many developed cattle breeds today.