Epsom Daily Parker

The Epsom Daily Parker scheme allows regular visitors to Epsom to receive a discounted rate on their parking if visiting one of the Borough Council’s Multi-Storey Car Parks.

Hook Road

For commuters or regular long stay users the Epsom Daily Parker (Hook Road) allows you to park all day in Hook Road Car Park for £5, a saving of up to £3.20 per day. Members will be provided with a ‘hidden’ code in order to book their parking sessions in Hook Road car park via RingGo at the concessionary rate. Users must be Members of the scheme in order to use the code.

Ashley Centre

For those that work in Epsom Town Centre the Epsom Daily Parker (Ashley Centre) allows you to park all day in the Ashley Centre car park for £10, a saving of up to £15 per day. Members will have their vehicle registrations stored in the Auto Number Plate Recognition system to allow them to receive the concessionary rate. With an Ashley Centre Daily Parker Membership it is possible to top up the amount stored on the account so you do not need to visit the pay station each time you visit.

How to join:

Membership of either scheme is available for £25 per year, expiring in March 2026. We will be opening our application form in the coming days, please keep an eye out on this webpage for updates.

For any further enquiries please contact supportgrouprequests@epsom-ewell.gov.uk