We are committed to providing information that explains how we spend your money.
The Government sets out guidelines for the format of this information so you can easily compare the performance of one authority against another. This data is re-usable under the terms set out by data.gov.uk
- Government procurement cards
- Spotlight on spend / Payments to suppliers
- Financial reports
- Counter fraud operation
- Payment of creditor invoices
Pay Policy Statement
Under the Localism Act 2011 the Council is required to publish an annual pay policy statement which has been approved by full Council. The information is set out under headings which have been prescribed by the Localism Act and relates to 2023/24 financial year (links at bottom of page).
- Pay Policy Statement 2023/24
- Report Pay Policy Statement 2023/24
- Pay scales 2023/24
- Election Surrey fee charges
- Senior staff remuneration above £50,000
Freedom of Information
As a public body we are covered by the Freedom of Information Act. This Act gives a right of access to all types of recorded information held.
The data sets which are published by us can be found at Epsom and Ewell Borough Council data sets.
Delegation of powers by the Council
The Council has agreed a scheme of delegation of powers to officers, which is included as Appendix 2 to its Constitution. A Live Register of Delegations provides a central list of all powers delegated by the Council and is available to view online.
Trade Union facility time
The Council does not have a formal recognition agreement with a trade union due to the small number of members in relation to the whole organisation. UNISON has a seat on the staff consultative group (made up of locally elected staff representatives) which is the recognised body for consultation purposes for the Council. As there is no formal recognition agreement with the union there is no formally recognised facility time within the Council.
Land and Building Assets
We publish details of our land and building assets in accordance with the Local Government Transparency Code . You can view and download this data from data.gov.uk.
Parking Data
A spreadsheet containing the number of controlled off-street parking spaces in the borough can also be found in the table below.