Corporate Peer Challenge

In March 2024, the council took part in a Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) run by the Local Government Association (LGA). A CPC is a valued improvement and assurance tool that is delivered by the sector, for the sector. It is not an inspection or audit, but a process which provides robust, credible challenge and support. Senior representatives from other councils and from the LGA spent three days at the council, speaking with a wide range of staff, Councillors, partners, stakeholders and residents.

Every CPC looks at the following areas:

  • Local priorities and outcomes
  • Organisational and place leadership
  • Governance and culture
  • Financial planning and management
  • Capacity for improvement.

We also asked the Peer team to provide feedback on the council’s approach to risk and housing.

Our Position Statement, which was provided to the Peer team before their visit, can be found here: Epsom & Ewell Borough Council CPC Position Statement 2024

On this page you can read the Feedback Report from the LGA, which makes a number of recommendations. We are currently developing an Action Plan to address these, which will be in place and published on this page later this summer.
