Subsidy Allowances

If your organisation has received an award of discretionary relief and the total amount will exceed the subsidy control/cash cap levels you must notify the council immediately so that a full determination can take place. It is the responsibility of ratepayers, on a self-assessment basis, to inform the authority if they are in breach of the Minimal Financial Assistance MFA limit. If they are not, they do not need to do anything

Local relief schemes, including the retail, hospitality and leisure discount and the 2023 supporting small business rate relief are likely to be subject to the UK subsidy control regime (GOV.UK).

The Subsidy Control Act allows an economic actor (for example a holding company and its subsidiaries) to receive up to £315,000 Minimal Financial Assistance in a 3-year period (consisting of the current financial year and the two previous financial years). Minimal Financial Assistance subsidies cumulate with each other and with other subsidies that fall within the category of ‘Minimal or SPEI financial assistance'. Retail Discount granted in 2021 to 2022 does not count towards the £315,000 allowance but business support grants made by councils during the pandemic (which fall within the 3-year period) and any other subsidy claimed under the Minimal Financial Assistance or under the Small Amounts of Financial Assistance limit of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement should be counted under the £315,000 allowance.

Therefore, in addition to any local scheme eligibility requirements, you must not have exceeded the Minimal Financial Assistance limit of £315,000 over 3 years (consisting of the current financial year and the two previous financial years).

Each award under local schemes is separate and applies for the fixed period shown on your bill.

False claims

The government and Epsom & Ewell Borough Council will not tolerate any business falsifying their records or providing false evidence to gain support awards, including claiming support above these thresholds. A person or business that falsely applies for any relief, or provides false information or makes false representation in order to gain support may be guilty of fraud under the Fraud Act 2006.