Mixed recycling bin - weekly collection


Weekly mixed recycling bin

Leave your bins in a clearly visible place at the edge of your property from 6.30am on collection day. We work as normal on bank holiday Mondays and Good Friday. What if a collection is missed?

Picture of green bin for mixed recycling

Your green recycling bin is ONLY for:

  • Paper - any colour, printed or plain, including envelopes (even with windows). NO SHREDDED PAPER
  • Cardboard - any type, like boxes or packaging. NO GREASY PIZZA OR FOOD BOXES. NO COFFEE CUPS
  • Cans and tins - both steel and aluminium, including aerosols (fully expended please). We take bottle/jar lids too
  • Plastic bottles (lids on), pots, tubs and trays - NO BAGS OR SACKS, NO OTHER PLASTICS


Put recycling in your bin loose, not bagged. It's easier and cheaper to sort them out afterwards, and recycling companies know that bags can often hide non-recyclables, so may reject loads with plastic bags in. Why is it OK to put plastic bags in food waste but not in the green recycling bin?

If you have too much recycling for your bin you can leave it next to your bin in a clearly labelled bag and we will take it.

Large pieces of cardboard, such as packaging from a new TV, can be left next to your bin and we will take it.

Quick guide to recycling

Where can I recycle it?

What if the Council can't recycle it?

Why can't shredded paper be recycled in your green recycling bin?

It's because shredded paper gets easily clogged around moving parts of the recycling sorting machines, causing damage and expense.

You may like to know that you can actually put small amounts of un-bagged, loose shredded paper in your garden waste bin or home compost bin/heap.


Simply weekly recycling logo 

Recycle for Surrey logo


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