Procurement with Epsom and Ewell Borough Council

We have an annual procurement spend of £14.5M and procure from a wide range of businesses including small to medium enterprises (SMEs).

Procurement Strategy

Please see the Council's current Procurement Strategy.

How to do Business with us

This document provides a guide on how to do business with us.


Our contract register is updated regularly and records all procurement over £5,000 (see below).


The council has transitioned to a new e-Sourcing platform, In-Tend.

All contract opportunities are published through this e-tendering system which can be accessed here. This portal is free for suppliers to register and use.

Full guidance on how to register is available on the system.

Suppliers who were registered on the council's previous e-Sourcing platform, Proactis, will have had a new profile set up automatically via In-Tend. In order to log into the In-tend system, we strongly advise users to click the ‘Forgotten Details’ button on the supplier portal. You will be asked to provide an email address and the system will send you an email to reset your password. This needs to be changed to a secure password of your choice.

Change/amend your company details:

Once you have accessed your company account, click on “Company Details” on the menu options. A number of options will come up that will allow you to insert (or amend) any of your company details. Please make any insertions/amendments as necessary.

Register your Business Categories.

Please ensure that you click on the “Business Categories” in the menu options and select the business categories that are relevant to your company. When a tender opportunity is published that matches your business categories, you will receive an automated email. Other tender opportunities (i.e. with no match to your business categories) can still be accessed by your company, but you will not receive an automated email. It may be useful to log into your In-Tend account on a regular basis (e.g. weekly).

Should you have problems with the In-Tend system, please click on the “Help” option at the top of the screen.

If you have queries regarding procurement you can email us at


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