Planning advice

Do I need planning permission?

Epsom and Ewell do not offer an ‘over the counter’ or telephone duty planner service and because of the specifics of each property and location, we will not be able to respond to email enquiries as to whether a planning application is required for a particular development. 

However we do have a free online digital service that allows you to check if you need planning permission.

Find out if you need Planning Permission


Permitted development

Certain types of development such as rear extensions and loft conversions (with or without rear dormers and hip to gable extensions) might be permitted development under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development)(England) Order 2015 and a planning application would not need to be submitted prior to commencing works.

If you require further information or a formal decision as to whether planning permission is required, it is recommended that an application for a Certificate of Lawful Development is submitted to the Council.

The Planning Portal website also has interactive guidance on when planning permission is required.


Planning Constraints

Epsom and Ewell’s Where I Live mapping feature enables you to search for land constraints that might affect your property and the ability to develop, such as Conservation Areas, protected trees (TPOs) areas where bats may be expected and flood zones.

We also have a free online digital service that you can use to check for constraints on a property

Surrey County Council also offer an interactive map that relates to matters within their remit such as footpaths, rights of ways and highways. 


Planning Register

The Planning Register search enables you to look for planning applications and appeals dating back to December 2011. it enables you to look for:

  • Planning applications and Decisions
  • Planning appeals and Appeal Decisions
  • Applications for discussion in the next planning committee meeting
  • Submit comments online for undetermined planning applications
  • Track applications and receive email notifications.

We also hold limited information for older application online which can be provided on request by contacting


Pre-application advice

Epsom and Ewell offers a formal pre application service. The fee depends upon the scale of the development, whether a site visit is required and whether a meeting is requested. The Council will aim to provide advice in writing within 8 weeks. There is no minimum level of information for a pre application to be validated but the level of advice that the Council provides depends on the level of information submitted. Further information is provided on the pre application page.


Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs)

Planning performance Agreements are a project management agreement between an applicant and the Council to provide a framework for delivering good quality and timely planning and development outcomes. The Council will enter into a planning performance agreements where agreed. 


Applying for planning permission

Submission of all applications should be done via the Planning Portal. Advice on submitting an application is found here or by reviewing the Council's local validation list. The local validation list will include advice on when a bat survey report is required, with reference to the bat survey layer in Where I Live mapping feature.


Planning fees

Planning fees are set by the government and were last updated in December 2023. Further information can be obtained here.  Exemptions and waivers apply in certain circumstances.

Fees are due to increa on APril 1st 2025. Please see the following link for further information.


Fast Track Service

The statutory timeframe for determining an application is 8 weeks (unless it is a major application). For an additional fee, the service will enable an expedited issuing of a decision. Further details can be found here.



If you have a complaint about how an application was processed, our interactions with you (as an objector or an application) or if we have failed to do something we should have done, please contact the Council via this webpage.


Further advice

Types of applications

The Decision making process

After a decision is issued


Trees and hedges

Heritage and conservation


Renewable Energy

Committee dates
