East Surrey Outreach Service
The East Surrey Outreach Service (eSOS) provides help and support to adults who are rough sleeping, or are at risk of rough sleeping.
eSOS is for those with a local connection to the Epsom and Ewell, Reigate and Banstead, Mole Valley and Tandridge areas.
What does eSOS offer?
- One-to-one support for people who are sleeping rough, or are facing homelessness.
- eSOS may be able to refer you to hostels and supported housing if you are homeless and have a local connection to East Surrey.
- An individual resettlement or support plan agreed with you which meets your needs.
- Support to help you engage with services you need, such as health, mental health, drug/alcohol or probation services.
- To work with homeless people with complex needs to break the cycle of rough sleeping.
If you think you would benefit from working with eSOS and are working with any of the following services, they can refer you:
- Community drug and alcohol services
- Community mental health services
- East Surrey councils
- GP or consultant
- Social services
You can also contact eSOS directly on:
07436 273614 or email esos@thamesreach.org.uk
Those without a connection to these areas will be re-connected back to their local area for further advice and assistance.
Tell us if someone is sleeping rough
If you are aware of anyone sleeping rough in the borough, especially during periods of severe cold weather, please contact one of the following:
- thamesreach.org.uk/what-we-do/response/outreach-services/east-surrey-outreach-service/
- housing@epsom-ewell.gov.uk
- StreetLink
Severe weather emergency protocol (SWEP)
We do not always have a duty to re-house single homeless people. However, in periods of severe cold weather the council or thamesreach.org.uk/what-we-do/response/outreach-services/east-surrey-outreach-service/ can organise a placement at a winter watch project, night shelter or emergency accommodation.
Drop in centres
The Epsom Lounge
On Wednesdays 11am-2pm at St Barnabas Church, Temple Road, Epsom KT19 8HA.