Citizens' Panel

Our citizens' panel is a group of residents, representative of our local population, who are consulted on a regular basis on a range of local issues and services. The purpose of the panel is to provide local residents with a chance to have a say on issues or decisions that are important to the local community. Panel members are invited a few times a year to give their views on local matters via postal and electronic surveys, in order to assist us and other public sector organisations to respond to the needs of our community.

We currently have 1,000 individuals (from separate households) on the panel, who are broadly representative of the borough's population in terms of age, gender and ethnicity. 

In order to ensure that views are generally representative of the community, samples may be drawn, so individuals may not necessarily be consulted on all issues.

How can I become a member of the citizens' panel?
If you would like to become a member of the panel, please contact us via email

Where are my details kept?
Your personal details will be held separately from any questionnaire returns so that your views and opinions will be anonymous.  There is a panel members' database just to hold your contact and membership details. All details are held in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

If you are an existing citizens' panel member and any of your contact details have changed, please let us know via email.