If it snows, we will carefully consider whether it is safe to make recycling and waste collections. We will always strive to maintain collections provided it is safe for both staff and members of the public.
Latest information
We will provide regularly updated information here including updates on any service disruptions.
General information - what if services are disrupted?
If we are forced to cancel any recycling or waste services, we will aim to recover missed collections on your scheduled collection day the following week, or earlier if conditions allow.
When recovering collections missed due to snow, we will focus firstly on food waste and refuse bins, which may contain noxious waste.
If you have already put your recycling and waste containers out for collection, please leave them out provided it is safe to do so. If, due to missed collections, your recycling or waste containers become full we will collect any excess recycling or waste left out for us in sacks when collections resume.
General advice in severe weather
Recycle as much as you can to reduce the amount of build-up in your black rubbish bin. We would urge you to travel to local recycling centres or the Community recycling centre, Blenheim Road only if it is safe.
The Highways Agency is responsible for gritting major roads. Surrey County Council is responsible for gritting other roads. Gritting enquires should be addressed to those bodies.