Sat, 13/04/2024 - 13:00 to 15:30
13:00 to 15:30
£5 per child
Contact name:
David Brooks
Telephone number:
020 8394 1734
Contact email:
Bourne Hall Museum
Spring Street
KT17 1UF
Spring Street
KT17 1UF
Discover the worst jobs at sea, including the roles of the Scrubber, the Cook, the Powder Monkey and the Surgeon. Can you escape to become a Navigator? We look at the equipment they used, as well as the Boatswain and Carpenter. We have objects for each, and willing volunteers can demonstrate each job. We go abroad the Nonsuch galleon, she was built by Queen Mary in 1555 as the Philip and Mary, renamed Nonpareil in 1584, and commanded by Sir Francis Drake in 1588. In June 1602 the English fleet with the Nonpareil defeated a Spanish galley fleet, taking a ship loaded with treasure valued at over a million ducats. In 1603 she was renamed Nonsuch, rebuilt as a great ship of 454 tons carrying 32 guns.