Epsom in WW2 talk.


Tue, 29/08/2023 - 11:30 to 12:30


11:30 to 12:30


£5 per person

Contact name: 

David Brooks

Telephone number: 

020 8394 1734

Contact email: 


Bourne Hall
Spring Street
KT17 1UF

At 4:56pm on 7 September 1940, the air raid sirens wailed as the German Air Force launched a raid on London. Over 350 bombers flew across the Channel from airfields in France and dropped 300 tons of bombs on the docks and streets of the East End of London. The Blitz had begun a constant rain of death that fell heaviest on London and hammered other cities. London was bombed every day and night for almost 11 weeks. During the Blitz 32,000 civilians were killed and 87,000 were seriously Injured. How did people live with this death from the air? What was life like in Epsom and Ewell, and how did they cope? Be prepared with gas mask training and air raid drill, and learn what to expect after a bomb has fallen. Could you deliver messages in an air raid during the blackout? Discover how to put out one of the firebombs that were dropped in their tens of thousands on Epsom during the war.

Epsom war time family