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KT19 8AG
I have taken over from Ruth Shepherd running The Big Draw Epsom in Epsom Square. My name Asta Kalpokaite Golias- ceramic artist.This community free event, volunteer run, happened for four consecutive years between 2016-2019 in October. It was hugely popular with around 1000 people participating. Epsom Library mentioned that they got around 500 new subscribers (i don't remember which year).I spotted such a big energy wave in children, adultsand also artists. I think it is essential to have such art festival and i will do my best to provide as much as i can. Please follow us on instagram thebigdrawEpsom.This year we will explore the theme " drawing with senses". Human senses form our perception of reality. did you hear about Synesthesia - one sense effects another sense?Two days are needed that artist could more adjust to people needs and more art would be done. and that people simply would have fun.Activities will include a chalk and pastel drawing, painting with acrylics ( illusions of materials), drawing, clay modelling and slips painting, art installations. people will have freedom to create and artists and volunteers will provide materials, guidance and arranged environment. Due to CV-19 and a change in the Big Draw Epsom team, we had a break for a few years and I am excited to say I am re-starting it again this October.