Draft Local Plan 2022-2040

Proposed Submission Epsom and Ewell Local Plan (2022-2040) – Regulation 19 Consultation

We held a public consultation on the Proposed Submission Epsom and Ewell Local Plan from 20 December 2024 to 5 February 2025. This is the plan we intend to submit for public examination. Thank you to everyone who submitted a response.

We recognised that the Regulation 19 consultation stage is more technical than the previous Regulation 18 stage, and it is for this reason that we:

  • produced a guidance document to assist residents in submitting responses
  • provided short webinar on the Local Plan regulation 19 consultation
  • held four bookable events to provide one to one support for residents.

Please note: we are currently processing the responses. Your name and comments will be published but other personal information will not be made public. We will upload the responses as soon as possible.

Next steps 

We are preparing to submit the Epsom and Ewell Local Plan (2022-2040), other consultation documents, supporting documents and all consultation responses to the Secretary of State for public examination before the 12 March 2025.

The latest information will be available on this website.

At each step of the process, we will also notify everyone who responded to the Regulation 19 consultation and asked to be updated. This will include when examination hearing dates have been set by the Planning Inspectorate. View our Local Development Scheme for the timetable for preparing the Epsom and Ewell Local Plan.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Follow this link to see a list of questions and answers about the Local Plan process.

Past consultations for the new Epsom and Ewell Local Plan  

The Proposed Submission Local Plan has been informed by the responses to our consultation on a Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) that was undertaken in February and March 2023. In the previous consultations your feedback told us what was important to you and the changes you wanted to see. Find out more about our previous consultations page.  


Please note: some of our PDF documents may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If you need them in a more accessible format, please email localplan@epsom-ewell.gov.uk.