Epsom & Ewell Borough Council approves vision for Epsom Town Centre & endorses borough-wide Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan


Friday, 27 September, 2024


On 24 September, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s Licensing and Planning Policy Committee approved the Epsom Town Centre Masterplan. The Masterplan sets out clear and comprehensive guidelines for the development of Epsom Town Centre. The Committee also endorsed the Epsom & Ewell Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan that aims to increase walking, wheeling and cycling across the borough. Together, the plans feed into the vision of the borough and form part of the evidence base for the borough’s Draft Local Plan - Local Plan FAQs | Epsom and Ewell Borough Council (epsom-ewell.gov.uk).

Epsom Town Centre Masterplan
The Masterplan sets out a vision to make Epsom Town Centre a place that attracts, connects and inspires people, with a strong sense of community, commerce and creativity. Climate change is the cornerstone of the Masterplan with a comprehensive approach to transport, low carbon development, green infrastructure and health. The Masterplan also identifies site locations where regeneration and improvements could take place, subject to planning permission being granted.

The Masterplan was subject to two rounds of public consultation, with over 2,000 individuals or organisations responding to the consultations, highlighting interests, attachments and aspirations. Licensing and Planning Policy Cttee Public Report Pack - Masterplan information from p.169

Epsom & Ewell Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)
The Plan aims to provide a safe, attractive and convenient infrastructure to encourage residents, visitors and workers to walk, wheel and cycle. Plans include expanding the existing network and improving connectivity to key destinations within the borough.

The Epsom and Ewell LCWIP is part of Surrey’s broader LCWIP programme to develop LCWIPs county-wide. Following endorsement of the LCWIP, Surrey County Council can formally adopt the document. Licensing and Planning Policy Cttee Public Report Pack - LCWIP information from p.421

Cllr Peter O’Donovan, Chair of the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee said:

“The Town Centre Masterplan and Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan provide Epsom & Ewell with a fantastic opportunity to bring wide ranging benefits to our community.

Our lifestyles and working patterns have changed dramatically over the last few years, especially since COVID-19, and I’m proud that these plans allow us to strategically improve areas for residents to enjoy, and help us to provide solutions for broader issues that we, as a borough, face including housing and climate change, which is at the heart of the Masterplan and supports the transition towards zero-carbon transport throughout the borough. The  Masterplan will also help in the process of assessing planning applications.

I would like to thank all the residents who took part in the public consultations and feeding into our vision for the borough. We want our community and visitors to be proud of Epsom & Ewell and through these plans, we are in a position to deliver!”

Background to the Epsom & Ewell Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

In 2017 the Government produced a Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS) outlining its ambition to make cycling and walking a natural choice for shorter journeys or as part of longer journeys by 2040 - Second cycling and walking investment strategy – July 2022 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

The Epsom and Ewell LCWIP is part of Surrey’s broader LCWIP programme to develop LCWIPs county-wide. These have been considered during development of the Epsom & Ewell LCWIP for greater connectivity across political boundaries - Plans to improve walking and cycling - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk).