We’re working with partners in a revision of the local list which details historic and architectural interesting buildings and landscapes.
The updated local list will detail these as borough assets which are considered as having heritage value, and this status will be taken into account when planning applications are received which affect them. Consideration will be given to the potential for the proposal to harm, directly or indirectly, their significance.
Nomination can be submitted by members of the public when the project begins on Tuesday 5 October.
Suggested listing should consider rarity, architectural or artistic value, historic association, landmark status, archaeological value and group value.
Once adopted, the lists will be used to inform the planning process and guide future decisions around the use and custodianship of local heritage assets.
Who's involved?
The programme is being funded through Historic England and will be run by Surrey County Council. Six Surrey boroughs and districts are taking part in the project: Elmbridge, Epsom and Ewell, Mole Valley, Surrey Heath, Tandridge and Woking.
What makes a heritage site?
Local lists have traditionally focused on buildings but recognising that there are a wide variety of sites that are important to local communities, it's hoped that suggestions will come forward which include all types of places.
How do I take part?
From the 5 October until 5pm on Tuesday 16 November, residents can suggest new assets for the lists by visiting the Surrey County Council website and using the online nomination tool. Nominations will be assessed against a set of selection criteria, and draft lists compiled for each borough and district will then be consulted on early next year.
For more information and nominations please visit: Local heritage list project (links to Surrey County Council website in new window).