Club premises certificates

Apply Online

Apply for a new club premises certificate 
Apply for a minor variation to your existing premises or club 
Tell us about a change to your existing details or club rules 
Apply for a variation of your existing club premises 
Pay your annual fee for your existing club premises certificate

Club premises certificates

  • A club premises certificate permits licensable activities to take place at the premises of a qualifying club.  A qualifying club applying for a Club Premises Certificate does not need a personal licence holder identified as a designated premises supervisor as there is no supply of alcohol by retail taking place.  Alcohol may be bought for the club by the members and the money being passed across the bar is to maintain equity between members.
  • Please make sure that the club rulebook makes clear the policy for guests.
  • Clubs should carefully consider whether they should apply for a club premises certificate or a premises licence, or both.
  • As committee members in clubs change from time to time, please ensure that Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Licensing authority are kept abreast of these changes.  Please be aware that it is an offence not to inform the Licensing Authority if the person who fills the role of secretary changes.
  • You may not apply for a club premises certificate if you or any of your committee members are under 18 years of age.
  • The applicant for a club premises certificate does not need to be a personal licence holder.

Submitting the application form

The additional information required to be submitted with the application is listed on the last page of the application form.  Please ensure that you attach everything to your application otherwise it will be invalid.

Please send:

  • A completed application form, including operating schedule and any changes to conditions and activities if submitting a variation.
  • The correct fee
  • A plan of 1:100 (unless a different scale is agreed with the Licensing)
  • The plan should show the location and extent of the boundary of the building, the exits, the areas used for licensable activities, any stage, the fire safety equipment and the location of any kitchen.
  • If a club premises certificate application, a copy of the club rulebook, and a declaration that the club is a “qualifying club” (see form above).

The original application and all accompanying information as detailed on the application form must be served to Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, Licensing team.  For your own benefit, you may wish to get a receipt for the delivery of the application or send the application by registered post and keep the tickets as evidence it has been sent

If you apply digitally we will foward a copy of your application to all the Responsible Authorities. If you apply by post you must serve a copy of the completed forms and all accompanying documentation must also be sent to all Responsible Authorities. Contact details of the Responsible Authorities are available in the documents section below

The responsible authorities must confirm to Licensing that they have received copies of the application.  Without this confirmation the Licensing section will not consider the application complete. Incomplete applications will be dealt with in one of two ways.  If the application is missing one or two simple details, a letter requesting the missing documentation will be sent to the applicant and the application will be kept on hold.  If there are more than one or two simple details, the application will be rejected and returned to the sender.


Advertising the application

When a complete application has been submitted, the applicant has a duty to advertise said application for a period of no less than 28 consecutive days starting the day following the day the application was served on the licensing authority.

The notice shall be:

  • Of a size equal or larger than A4
  • Of a pale blue colour
  • Printed legibly in black ink or types in black in font size 16 or bigger.

The application must also be advertised in the local newspaper circulating in the relevant parts of the borough of Epsom and Ewell.  The newspaper notice must be circulated at least on one occasion not more than 10 working days after the application has been submitted to the licensing authority. Both the newspaper notice and the notice for the application will contain the following information:

The relevant licensable activities proposed to carry out at the premises

  • The proposed changes of the Club Premises Certificate (If a variation)
  • The name of the applicant
  • The postal address of the premises, or if not applicable a description of the premises concerned
  • Details of where the register of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council is held and where it can be inspected
  • The dates between which an interested party and a responsible authority may make representations to Epsom and Ewell 
  • A statement that all representations must be made in writing
  • A statement that it is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for the absence.

Where a complete application form has been submitted with the appropriate fees and other paperwork, including the display of appropriate notices in the papers an on the premises, if there are no representations within the 28 consecutive days deadline, the licence will be granted.

However, if an adverse representation is received from any interested party or responsible authority, licensing will decided whether the representation is relevant.  If licensing find the representation relevant a hearing before the licensing committee will be held.  All relevant parties will be notified.  A decision will be made by the licensing committee or sub-committee and the details of that decision will be circulated to the parties concerned.

The applicant does have the right to appeal and this should be made to the Southeast Magistrates’ Court.  Professional advice should be sought where it is uncertain what the best course of action should be.