Live consultations
Recent planning policy consultations
Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)
The Proposed Submission Local Plan was subject to public consultation from 09:00 on 20 December 2024 to 23:59 on the 5 February 2025. This consultation stage (Regulation 19) focused on whether the plan is sound and legally compliant.
We are currently processing the responses received and are preparing to submit Local Plan (2022-2040), other consultation documents, supporting documents and all consultation responses to the Secretary of State for public examination before the 12 March 2025.
The Proposed Submission Local Plan was informed by the responses to our consultation on a Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) that was undertaken in February and March 2023.
Draft Epsom Town Centre Masterplan
Consultation on the Draft Town Centre Masterplan was undertaken between 24 November 2023 and 22 December 2023. This follows early engagement that was undertaken between 25 July to 31 August 2022.
Draft Local Plan 2022-2040 (Regulation 18)
The Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18 consultation version) was subject to public consultation from noon 1 February 2023 – 19 March 2023. You can find out more information about the consultation and view the responses received during the consultation period on our consultation(link is external) portal(link is external).