Epsom & Ewell Borough Council will commemorate the national COVID-19 Day of Reflection on Sunday 9 March. Residents are invited to sign a Book of Remembrance at Epsom Town Hall and Bourne Hall, where the public can also light a candle to remember loved ones who have died. Epsom’s Clock Tower will also be lit in yellow to mark the day. Councillors will place ribbon bouquets on COVID-19 memorial benches around the borough.
The national COVID-19 Day of Reflection, on Sunday 9 March, marks five years since the pandemic began and is supported by the Government and end-of-life charity, Marie Curie.
Residents in Epsom & Ewell are invited to remember and reflect in any way that is meaningful to them, to pay tribute to those who worked, volunteered and showed acts of kindness during this unprecedented time, and remember those we lost.
More information on council commemorations:
- Book of Remembrance, open Monday 3 March to Friday 14 March 2025
Everyone is invited to sign the Book of Remembrance or light a candle at the table of Reflection areas located at Epsom Town Hall (The Parade, Epsom KT19 5BW, opening times 9am-5pm) and Bourne Hall (Spring Street, Ewell KT17 1UF, opening times 9am-5pm). Each Book of Remembrance is available to sign during usual venue opening times.
- COVID-19 Day of Reflection, Sunday 9 March 2025
The council will light the Epsom Clock Tower in yellow, and councillors will place a yellow ribbon tribute on each of the 15 Covid Memorial benches located around the borough, locations here - Locations of Covid Memorial Benches in Epsom & Ewell | Epsom and Ewell Borough Council
People around the country are also encouraged to submit and add their event to the Government’s interactive map that shows all events taking place - Get involved - Covid Day of Reflection
Jackie King, Chief Executive said:
“The pandemic continues to cause a range of conflicting emotions. This was a challenging time for many, yet it also brought out the very best in people as our community worked together to help one another. As a council, we continued to provide vital services and support our community and supported those who were most vulnerable during this time. On behalf of Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to make a difference to the lives of others during this time.”
For more information, including how the public can join Epsom & Ewell Borough Council to reflect and remember, visit COVID-19 Day of Reflection 2025 | Epsom and Ewell Borough Council