Epsom & Ewell Borough Council approves joint interim proposal for local government reorganisation and votes in favour of three unitary councils for Surrey


Wednesday, 19 March, 2025

Last night, at an Extraordinary Council Meeting, Epsom & Ewell Councillors met to discuss the submission to Jim McMahon MP being made on Friday 21 March 2025, which outlines the interim proposal for local government reorganisation in Surrey. Councillors also discussed and agreed their preference for the future structure of local government in Surrey following the demise of the 12 current authorities, in April 2027.

Councillors voted to approve the initial submission of the proposal to Government and there was majority agreement on an initial preference for three unitary councils in Surrey.

The interim proposal outlines a shared vision for Surrey, with options to split Surrey into two or three unitary councils following reorganisation. Currently there is a two-tier system in place, with 11 district and borough councils, and one county council. As set out in the Government’s English Devolution white paper, the aim of dissolving all 12 current councils to create two or three unitary councils is to create more clarity for residents over decision-making and accountability, achieve greater financial resilience, and economies of scale to deliver services that improve outcomes for residents - particularly those in greatest need of support. Both two and three unitary options would offer savings; and both would unlock the opportunity for further devolution in Surrey.

Councillors discussed that three unitary authorities would provide stronger local connections and accountability between local government and the communities they serve, would be better placed to reflect the unique identities of their communities and better able to meet their needs. Three unitaries, which reflect existing economic geographies, would also enable a clearer economic strategy, greater ability to focus on an area’s specific strengths and would help maximise opportunities for strategic investment and growth.

The interim proposal will be submitted to Government on Friday 21 March. Over the coming weeks and months, Surrey councils will continue to work together to deliver the full proposal to Government by 9 May 2025. Questions remain, including around debt management, funding gaps associated with delivery of the local government reorganisation, and what form wider consultation on local government reorganisation will take.   

Speaking after the meeting, Councillor Hannah Dalton, Chair of the Residents’ Association at Epsom & Ewell Borough Council (Majority Group), said:

“Throughout this process, at the forefront of our minds is how best to serve our communities and preserve local democracy for the future.

“Our focus is on continuing to deliver the services our residents rely on, while representing the interests of all our communities across the borough to ensure a bright future, making the most of the opportunities that local government reorganisation and devolution has the potential to deliver for our residents.

“We will continue to work in partnership with councils across Surrey, our partners and our residents, to achieve our shared vision for Surrey.”



The work to develop the interim proposal has been carried out by district and borough councils working together, engaging Surrey County Council, with regular meetings between Leaders, Chief Executives, Section 151 Officers and Monitoring Officers throughout the process. Key public sector organisations including the police, MPs and universities have also been engaged with.

The interim proposal can be viewed on our website: (Public Pack)Item 2 Appendix 1 - Interim Plan Parts A and B Agenda Supplement for Council, 18/03/2025 19:30