Surrey County Council (SCC) is the highways authority that will issue permission for constructing a new dropped kerb or extending an existing dropped kerb. Information can be found at the SCC website.
SCC will not progress an application for a dropped kerb until they are in receipt of permission and/or agreement from Epsom and Ewell Council. This is in the form of either a Certificate of Lawful Development or a householder planning application (where it relates to a single dwelling house) or full planning application for anything else.
To submit a Certificate of Lawfulness, the proposal must satisfy the requirements of Class B of Part 2 of the GPDO, namely:
- Your property must be on an unclassified or private road
- The access must be associated with some other form of permitted development. Most commonly, this would be a permeable paved car space(s), whether existing or proposed as part of the same certificate application
- The paving of the car space must be permeable or include drainage to direct runoff to a permeable area
- The parking space that the access serves must be wholly within the site curtilage and at least 4.8m in length and 2.4m in width
- The dropped kerb must be necessary to obtain access to the car space (ie where an existing dropped kerb already allows for access, an extension to an existing dropped kerb or a second dropped kerb would not be 'necessary')
- Construction of the access must not involve the demolition of a wall within a conservation area
- The access must not create an obstruction that is likely to cause danger to highway users
- Permitted development rights must not have been removed, either by Article 4 Direction or a condition in a prior consent that applies to the land
If the proposal does not meet all of the above requirements, a full application will be required.
To assist in the validation process, any application for a dropped kerb must include a Location Plan and a Site Plan that includes a red line around the site AND the area where the dropped kerb is located, all the way to the kerb. If the highway is private, the red line must extend to the kerb of an unclassified, classified or trunk road.