Community Infrastructure Levy Fund

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows us to raise funds from new developments for infrastructure projects which help to mitigate the impacts of new development.

Of the total collected:

  • 80% goes towards strategic borough-wide infrastructure – examples include highway schemes, permanent school expansions, hospitals, and other health and social care facilities.

  • 15% for local projects (neighbourhood CIL) a portion of the CIL is to be spent on local projects in accordance with the CIL Regulations and aligns with the Corporate Plan  examples include sport pitches, courts upgrades, public realm improvements and community gardens.

  • 5% for the day-to-day costs of administering CIL

The items of infrastructure on which CIL has been spent within the reported year, and the amount of CIL spent on each item is reported in the Infrastructure Funding Statement.

Our annual funding rounds for the 2024 strategic and neighbourhood CIL are now closed

