What happens if a collection is missed?


Putting your bins out

You must leave your bins out in a clearly visible place at the edge of your property by 6.30am on collection day. We work as normal on bank holiday Mondays and Good Friday.

It's really important to put the right thing in the right bin. What if the Council can't recycle it?

Will there be a return collection?

Picture of green bin for mixed recyclingPicture of recycling box for glass bottles and jarsPicture of clear bag with textiles and shoes in it for recycling Picture of refuse bin

Your green recycling bin, glass recycling box, textiles recycling and black refuse bin are collected weekly. If we have genuinely missed your collection we will note it for our crews, and return again on collection day next week. Please leave any excess recycling (or refuse, if your black bin was missed) in a clearly-labelled bag next to your bin/box and it will also be collected.

Picture of food waste recycling bin Image of brown garden waste binIf we have genuinely missed your food waste or garden waste we will return within two working days of you reporting it missed.

Contaminated bins

We may have rejected your bin due to it containing the wrong materials. If so, we will let you know this has happened by placing a notice on your bin. What happens next?

Other information

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