When we receive a planning application we generally send letters to neighbouring properties advising of the proposed development and inviting neighbours to inspect the application. Please note that if you have not received a neighbour notification letter you can still view the application. You are still able to comment on an application while it is open for consultation.
Viewing an application
- View the applicant's proposed plans using our online search facility or
- Visit local libraries with internet access or our offices to view them. Applications are available for inspection at our offices between the hours of 9.00am to 5.00pm (Monday to Friday).
Comment or object
Currently comments may take longer to deal with than would normally be expected. If your comments have not appeared online after 2 weeks of submitting them, please email our Technical Support team at Planningsupport@epsom-ewell.gov.uk and we will look into it for you.
(Please note: you will need the planning application number - you can find this on our neighbour notification letter or by using the online search above). We recommend that you make your comment or objection on-line as comments posted or emailed to us may not reach the Planning Officer in time due to a backlog in work that the department is experiencing.
- For guidance about grounds for objection to a planning application, see below
Applications are decided either under delegated powers or are referred to the Planning Committee, which meets every four weeks. The current central government targets for the determination of planning applications are:
- 60% of major applications within 13 weeks
- 65% of minor applications within 8 weeks
- 80% of all other planning applications within 8 weeks.
When we determine planning applications we will only take into account material planning considerations. The Planning Portal gives advice on material considerations.
The following matters are not material considerations
- Business competition
- Loss of view
- Devaluation of property
- Rights of way
- Covenants
- Other private rights
- Short term disturbance during implementation of a planning permission
- Maintenance of property
Publishing your personal details
Any written comments you make about an application, by law, must be placed on the public file. This means that:
- your comments, and your name and address will form part of the planning application documents and will be published on our website
- anonymous and in confidence comments will not be taken into account when we determine the application
- we will remove any signature, email address and telephone number before publishing and
- it may be possible for your name and address to appear in search results on Google, Yahoo and other internet browsers/search engines (over which we have no control).
Exception: We will consider any special circumstance of making personal details sensitive, for example, keeping confidential the address of a person who is the subject of harassment. If you feel that your comment should be kept confidential please specify your reason in your representation.