
Effective, efficient and worthwhile consultation is at the heart of our commitment to the community. We encourage people to engage with us to help us improve our services and provide value for money.

Current open consultations

Proposed Submission Local Plan 2022-2040 Consultation (Regulation 19)

Following approval by full council on the 10 December 2024, the council is undertaking public consultation on the Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) from 09:00 on Friday 20 December 2024 until 23:59 on Wednesday 5 February 2025.  

The Proposed Submission Local Plan (2022-2040) and core supporting documents can be accessed on our online consultation portal(link is external) or on our webpage.   

Paper copies of the Proposed Submission Local Plan (2022-2040) and supporting documents are available for inspection (during normal opening hours) at the Town Hall and the boroughs libraries.

This consultation stage (Regulation 19) is the second stage of the consultation process when forming a Local Plan.  In accordance with this, representations are invited on the proposed submission Local Plan for Epsom and Ewell, specifically focussing on whether the plan is sound and legally compliant.   

Following the consultation, we will submit the Local Plan, supporting evidence and all responses received to the consultation to the Secretary of State who will then appoint a Planning Inspector to undertake an independent examination. 

Thank you.

Previous consultations

Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) Consultation

The PSPO consultation had three sections to complete and ran from Monday 4 November 2024 at 9am until Sunday 5 January 2025 at 23.59pm.

A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) is made by a Local Authority if satisfied on reasonable grounds that two conditions are met. Firstly, that:

  1. activities carried on in a public place within the authority’s area have had a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality; and
  2. it is likely that activities will be carried on in a public place within that area and that they will have such an effect.

The second condition is that the effect, or likely effect, of the activities is, or is likely to be of a persistent or continuing nature, such as to make the activities unreasonable, and therefore justifies the restrictions imposed by the notice.

A PSPO is an order (enacted under powers given by the Antisocial Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014) that identifies the public place and prohibits specified things being done in the restricted area and/or requires specified things to be done by persons carrying on specified activities in that area. The order may not have effect for more than 3 years and the Local Authority must consult with the chief officer of the police and the local policing body before issuing the order. Failure to comply with a Public Spaces Protection Order is an offence.

Commercial Dog Walking Consultation

The questionnaire ran between 29 April 2024 and closed for submissions at 4pm on 3 June 2024. 

Nonsuch Park is managed and maintained by a Joint Management Committee, comprising an equal number of Councillors from Epsom & Ewell Borough Council and the London Borough of Sutton. The committee Chair rotates between the two councils annually. The two councils fund, on an equal basis, the running of the park, after taking income into account. The committee is covered by the political balance arrangements. 

Joint Management Committee Meetings are held quarterly, at Nonsuch Mansion. the public are always welcome to attend these meetings and questions for the committee can be submitted ahead of the meeting in accordance with the published guidelines. 

Details of the meetings and how to take part can be found at

The Joint Management Committee are aware that Nonsuch Park is hugely popular with dog walkers and whilst most dog walkers are responsible, concerns have been raised about the growth of commercial walkers with multiple dogs. 

Ahead of implementing any measures to control commercial dog walking, the Joint Management Committee are keen to consult with the public and stakeholders about this issue to help inform future decisions. 

We were also at Nonsuch Park on the following dates and times to answer any questions:

  • 29/04/2024 - Cheam Gate between 08:30am - 10:30am
  • 15/05/2024 - London Road Gate between 10:30am - 12:30pm
  • 22/05/2024 - Sparrow Farm Road Gate between 12:30pm - 2.30pm

Consultation on Local Validation Requirements List

Public consultation of the new List runs from Thursday 25 April – Sunday 26 May 2024.

The consultation is on the information required when an application is submitted to the Council, this information is required to validate the application. This is known as the Local Validation Requirements List.  

The list comprises national and local validation requirements and provides advice on the detail and scope of information, depending on the type of application and nature of the proposal. Applications will not be validated until the information is provided.  

Epsom Town Centre Masterplan Consultation

This consultation finished on 22 December 2023. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond.

Following our consultation in summer 2022, when we heard from 1,979 members of the public and interested parties, Epsom and Ewell Borough Council has produced a draft masterplan for the town centre. This masterplan will be treated as an "evidence base" document to support the emerging Local Plan (which covers the entire borough), guiding principles behind development of the town centre in years to come. It includes guidelines for developers, investors and infrastructure providers about specific major development sites and more generally, including suggested highways and public space improvements. 

Find out more information on our Planning Policy Consultations pages.

Community Safety Action Plan

This consultation finished on 17 December 2023. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond. 

Our borough has long been regarded as a safe place to live and work however when issues do occur, they create significant public concern and if not addressed at an early stage, can escalate quickly and attract further, more serious problems.  There is also the aspect of hidden crime where the victim may not have a voice and where vulnerable people are subject to coercion, exploitation and abuse.  The pattern of crime and anti-social behaviour across the country is changing, and Epsom and Ewell’s proximity to London as well as its excellent transport links means that community safety is a high priority for the Borough Council and is seen as central to the borough’s future success. Download the draft action plan for community safety here.

Emissions restrictions for taxis and private hire

This consultation finished on 30 July 2023, thank you to everyone who took time to review the documents and respond.

The consultation responses were considered at the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee on 26th September, 2023.  In light of the consultation responses it was recommended that the period for phasing in the requirement for licensed vehicles to meet the ULEZ requirements be extended. The Committee report and minutes of the 26th September Licensing and Planning Policy Committee can be found on the 'Agenda, decisions and minutes' page. The Council adopted the amended hackney carriage and private hire licencing policy on 12th December 2023, a copy of this policy is available below.

Additional information

The report to the Licencing and Planning Policy of 15th June 2023 provides background to the reasons why the Council consulted on a hackney carriage and private hire emissions policy.

Draft Local Plan 2022–2040 Public Consultation (Regulation 18) 

This consultation closed on 19 March 2023.   

You can find out more information about the consultation and view the responses received on our consultation portal.

For further details on the Local Plan, please visit our Draft Local Plan (2022-2040) webpage.  

Taxi and Private Hire Draft Policy Consultation

This consultation was a response to the publication of Statutory Standards by the department of Transport. The consultation finished on 09 September 2022. Thank you to everyone who took time to review the documents and complete the survey.

On Thursday 27th October 2022 the Licencing and Planning Policy Committee, having considered the consultation responses, agreed to recommend an amended policy for adoption.

Town Centre Masterplan Consultation

This consultation ended on 31 August 2022.

Thank you to everyone who responded. The responses received can be viewed on our consultation portal Epsom Town Centre Masterplan - Epsom and Ewell Borough Council Consultations.

The Council’s Licencing and Planning Policy Committee approved the publication of the Final Epsom Town Centre Masterplan in September 2024 and the documents can be viewed on our Local Plan evidence base page or using the links below:

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy Consultation

This consultation ended on 23 August 2022. Thank you to everyone who responded.

If you have any questions about this consultation please contact Annette Snell, Housing Solutions Manager – sends e-mail)

Local Government Boundary Commission for England public consultation

New boundaries were being proposed for council wards in Epsom and Ewell Borough Council.

The Local Government Boundary Commission wanted to hear what residents and local organisations thought about the proposals. A 10-week public consultation ran from 5 October until 13 December 2021. Thank you to everyone that took part in this consultation. 

The Commission has published reports on a dedicated section on its website(link is external) where people can see further details.

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