Acupuncture, cosmetic piercing, tattooing, skin colouring and electrolysis
If you own a business which carries out acupuncture, tattooing, cosmetic piercing, skin colouring or electrolysis, you will need to apply for a licence. Both the person performing the treatment and the premises must be licensed with the Local Authority. Licences are issued under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982.
The licence will be issued subject to compliance with licence conditions and payment of the licence fee.
Apply for a cosmetic piercing, tattooing, skin colouring or electrolysis licence
Apply for a vary an existing licence
Regulation Summary
A summary of the regulation relating to this licence
Fees and Charges
Acupuncture, earpiercing and electrolysis fees and charges
Trade Associations
British Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology (BABTAC)
British Association of Skin Camouflage (BASC)
British Institute and Association of Electrolysis (BIAE)
Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists
If you wish to show, demonstrate or perform a hypnotism act in public, you must have authorisation from us
Apply for a hypnotism permit
You must comply with any conditions attached to an authorisation. View a summary of the regulation relating to this licence